Knitting Blogger Alert!
September 9th, 2006 | View Comments
Update June 1, 2009
I have stopped offering free blog templates and have taken down the old Faces of Yve site. Sorry!
Update February 4, 2008
The information in the below post is now outdated. I’ve since revamped the free blog templates site and the old stuff is gone. I am in the process of developing new knitting WordPress themes, though, so please go check it out!
Many of you probably know that my other hobby is web design. I worked as a web designer all through college and still make free blog templates for fun. The next issue of my web design ezine is coming out soon, and I thought I’d give you a sneak preview of the knitting-themed templates I have in this issue.
#1: Stash

#2: Pointy Sticks

The templates will be available for Blogger, WordPress, and as straight HTML for those who like to muck in code.
Both should be pretty easy to install, even if you don’t know any HTML. If you’re on Blogger, you will need to find some place to host the images—Flickr is a good solution. Complete installation instructions are in the README file.
The new issue of the e-zine will have a couple more templates, some detailed tutorials on writing code for links and images, and web design book reviews. To be notified the instant the new issue goes up, head on over to Faces of Yve and subscribe!
P. S. Got a burning blog question of any kind? Bits about blog design, getting blog traffic, anything! Submit it to my blogging advice column by emailing
CogKnition posted this on September 9th, 2006 @ 9:29pm in KnitBlogging | Permalink to "Knitting Blogger Alert!"
I wouldn’t suggest hosting the images on Flickr because non-photo images can get your photostream banned from many parts of the site. They also require you to link to Flickr any time you display an image, which can confuse your audience if they click on the top banner and are suddenly taken to Flickr instead of the homepage.
Yeah, using Flickr that way does require a little bending of their TOS.
Do you have an alternate place for people to host images? I had a hard time finding some place that would let people direct-link images without also forcing people to have the images be public. Flickr lets you set images to “private”, so they won’t show up in your photostream.
Cute templates!
I would suggest photobucket for hosting images, myself.
I came across your ezine a month ago, downloaded a template which I thought I would do some tweaking with it. Today I went back to look at more templates since I wasn’t happy with what I was using and saw “Stash”. I immediately downloaded and put it on my site. I was shocked that I hadn’t come across it before but now I see that it is new.
Thanks for this template.
Sigh. Why didn’t I find these themes MUCH sooner..