I Frog.
May 10th, 2006 | View Comments
Do you?

These buttons are free for you to take and post on your blog. Please download them to your hard drive and upload them to your own server. I've disabled hotlinking on my server so if you try to direct link them from my site, you'll get a broken image.
Also, I'd appreciate it if you would link the button back to this entry so other people will know where you got it from. You can use the following code for the little button:
<a href="http://www.cogknition.org/buttons/ifrog/" title="I frog button from CogKnition"><img src="http://YOUR-IMAGE-URL/ifrog-88x31.jpg" style="border: none;" width="120" height="60" alt="I frog." /></a>
And this code for the big button:
<a href="http://www.cogknition.org/buttons/ifrog/" title="I frog button from CogKnition"><img src="http://YOUR-IMAGE-URL/ifrog-120x60.jpg" style="border: none;" width="120" height="60" alt="I frog." /></a>
Just be sure to replace the bold bits with the actual URL for the image.
Buttons are super quick and easy for me to whip up, so for a limited time only, I will be taking requests. What do you want to see on a button?
CogKnition posted this on May 10th, 2006 @ 11:28pm in KnitBlogging, Knitting Blog Buttons | Permalink to "I Frog."
Oh yes, I frog too. Thanks for the button so I can proclaim it loudly! This pretty much covers everything I need in a button, however if I think of anything else I’ll let you know
I would love to see a button with a plush skein of light teal yarn with knitting needles in the middle…..wouldn’t mind one with my blog name on it either……thanks so much for the “I frog” button, I love it.
Hi Laura,
I just sent off your button. I hope you like it!
And I think this will close the window for on-demand buttons. I will periodically offer more designs on the blog, so stay tuned!
Thanks for the frog button. It’s absolutely adorable and clever! If you have time and would like to make me a button for my site, it would be greatly appreciated!
These buttons are great. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want one. Thanks a bunch.
Hi – thanks for the ‘i frog’ button.
Thks for the IFrog button!
I’m a novice at blogging and couldn’t get your code above to work properly so I’ve included a link to you in a sort of roundabout way.
Thks again!
No problem!
And just for my own reference, has anyone else had problems with the provided code? If so, what has gone wrong?
I just found this button today and I love it! Thanks for sharing it.
Your “I Frog” button is *wonderful*… and will be promptly spread all over LJ, if it isn’t already. Thanks for making it!
This post is getting overrun by spammers, so I’m closing the comments. If you have a question about the buttons, please e-mail me.