
These Things I’ve Been Knitting [Two Revealed!]

June 20th, 2009 | View Comments

It’s been a slow knitting year. Six months gone, and there’s only four items on my 2009 FO list, only one of which is an actual knitting project!

I will say though, that that list isn’t entirely…accurate. See, I’ve been working on Secret Projects. They are not my Secret Projects, or even Gift Projects. But things I’ve been testing/developing for other people, and thus they are not bloggable projects.

But I think I can get away with posting these without running afoul of my promise to keep things hush-hush:

Mystery Project 1 Mystery Project 2

Illuminating, I know. I will reveal as soon as I’m given the all-clear.

Update 06/29/2009: The first project revealed!
Update 05/30/2010: The second project revealed!

Two more:

Mystery Project 3 Mystery Project 4

Update 07/06/2009: The third project revealed!

I can tell you that both of these are purses I’ve been working on as part of a collaboration. The first one is done and somewhere in the pre-release stages. The second one is in progress. There is a third in the planning stages. Not going to say more at this point.

I can, however, post fully about this:

Tangled Yoke Cardigan, garter rib complete

The long-awaited Tangled Yoke Cardigan, in progress. I’d cast it on back in February, when I flew to visit my dad for what would turn out to be the second-last time. I couldn’t bring myself to pick it up again until recently, when it was the only project of mine that I could actually knit in public. It’s chugging along now and I think I should be able to finish it in time for the sweltering heat of August. Never say I don’t plan ahead.

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CogKnition posted this on June 20th, 2009 @ 3:48pm in Unfinished Objects | Permalink to "These Things I’ve Been Knitting [Two Revealed!]"

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