Watching Over Me
April 4th, 2008 | View Comments
Like many people, I keep an array of doohickeys and knick-knacks on top of my computer, the better to gather dust with. And I just realized that my doohickeys and knick-knacks are either: a) small plush toys, or b) random knitting that I didn’t know what to do with.

- The Yoshi beanie is wearing a cape, which happens to be the first thing I ever knit that has both knit and purl stitches in it. I came home from my knitting class, thrilled that I had managed to produce a mostly-even swatch of off-the-cuff stitch patterns and couldn’t bear to just hide it away somewhere. So Yoshi got a cape.
- The first baby hat I ever knit. One of my friends had a baby shortly after I learned how to knit and I was determined to make her some baby thing. But I wasn’t yet confident in my ability to make gift-able items, so I bought a ball of the cheapest yarn I could find to practice on. This was the practice hat. Of course, I discovered after I went to knit the real hat that kitchen cotton behaves really differently from wool blends.
- This is a recent addition. And it’s not knitting. Did I mention that I was trying to crochet again? Ah yes, I did. It just clicked for me this time around and I’ve made quite a few random swatches and medallions just to prove to myself I know what I’m doing now. And I made a dismembered frog head. There will be a body eventually. Until then, it will continue to stare down at me creepily.

CogKnition posted this on April 4th, 2008 @ 7:39pm in Crochet, Life as a Knitter | Permalink to "Watching Over Me"