Well, That Was Silly
November 4th, 2006 | View Comments
I’ve been taking the cabled rib hoodie to school lately, on the incredibly wishful thinking that I will actually have some time to knit. Time to knit? Ha! Between the…
- Need to run a pilot study, stat, or my advisor will kill me…
- Need to finish my lit review paper, stat, because it was due at the end of summer…
- Need to finish revising my journal paper, stat, or my advisor will kill me…
- Need to grade 60-odd student papers, after I finally cleared my desk of 70-odd other student papers and 70-odd essay exams…
- Need to prepare 3 hours worth of lecture for next week and accompanying review sheets, homework, and exam questions…
This is why I have a shrine to coffee on my desk. Or at least I did.
So it was silly of me to think I’d have time to knit at work. I’ve had more time to knit in the one preview before The Departed than at work.
You know what else was silly of me? Leaving the knitting in my office.
I can’t decide if it’s the knitting gods or the grad school gods that are trying to tell me something.
Grad school gods: You must go to work on the weeeeeeeekend…
Knitting gods: You must finish seaming Prentice…
Knitting gods: You must do penance on the Ombre Blanket…
Knitting gods: You must cast on for something new…
Hmm, I think I like that last one.
CogKnition posted this on November 4th, 2006 @ 1:29pm in Life as a Knitter | Permalink to "Well, That Was Silly"
Oh, yes, definitely go with the last one, it sounds much more fun! :0)