Cable Me This
July 19th, 2006 | View Comments

As you can see, Quinn #2 (first seen at the end of this post) is back on track. I’d forgotten how quickly the body of the bag goes, even with all the cabling. I managed to do two whole rounds on my 30-minute walk home.
So far, I’m pleased with the changes I made to the original design. The whole thing looks much neater (though I suppose not knitting with kinked up, repeatedly frogged yarn helps) and best of all: NO SEAMING! Unless you consider grafting to be seaming. There will be grafting.
And you know what else that’s good, now that I’m well on my way to finishing my second test-knit of the design?
A free pattern, posted sooner rather than later!
Can I get a “woooooo”?
CogKnition posted this on July 19th, 2006 @ 7:55pm in Knitwear Design, Unfinished Objects | Permalink to "Cable Me This"
Ooh, that’s pretty!! I can definitely give you a wooooooo(!) for a free pattern, too.
I’ll look forward to it (along with many others, I’m sure).
Woooo hooo! I’ve been admiring your Quinn, and hoping that you would post the pattern. (BTW, I love the name – if my Wonderful Husband ever decides to give me a 5th child, I plan to name him/her Quinn.) :0)
I found your site through a search for finished Rogues. I desperately want to knit one, but fear it is too advanced for me. Now I look forward to knitting Quinn as practice for all that cabling!
I love the bag. When will you post the pattern?
I don’t have an ETA for the pattern yet. Probably sometime mid-August?
These next two weeks are pretty full, work-wise.
That is a really nice bag – I’m impressed you could walk and cable. But can you read and cable?