Sewing »
Pillow-y Goodness
May 8th, 2010 | Comments Off

Fabric: The patchwork pillows used cotton scraps raided from carrollb‘s stash. The bigger pillows used a heavyweight cotton bought at Yuzawaya.
Knittin’, and Sewin’, and Thinkin’: Crochetin’?
April 10th, 2010 | 3 Comments
I’m suffering from a case of multicraftual startitis. This is what happens when you commit to too many knitting projects in advance and then…oooh, shiny!
Since finishing the Tangled Yoke Cardigan, I’ve started another sweater. Behold:

It’s the Vintage Pink Cardigan that I first blogged about 2.5 years ago. I figured I’d get a jump start on it and try to finish it by January. Which is when it gets “cold” here.
I’ve also started some things destined to be gifts: