
A Lesson Re-Learned

January 20th, 2008 | View Comments

Don’t wear hand-wash only wool to a bar that allows smoking. BLEGH! And since even hell must be frozen over, air-drying my scarf and sweater will probably take until March.

Life has been crazy around here for the last month. I finished exactly zero of the projects on my December projects list.

A belated Happy New Year to you all, and here’s to a more knitterly 2008!

CogKnition posted this on January 20th, 2008 @ 6:21pm in Life as a Knitter | Permalink to "A Lesson Re-Learned"

1 Comment

  1. Teresa says:

    The same thing happens when I visit my grandparents – everything must be washed afterwards. The scarf that I wore for 2 seconds and then stuffed in the sleeve of my coat and hung in the closet – needed a good SOAK. They chain smoke and have no idea how the smell just permeates everywhere.
    They are the only people I know who smoke in their homes so I find it very powerful as opposed to when I use to go to bars (and their was smoking) I didn’t find their house as bad.