Quinn Pattern Posted!
August 17th, 2006 | 6 Comments
If you keep tabs on my progress bars to your left, you may have noticed that Quinn #2 hit 100% a couple days ago. You know what that means? I finished writing the pattern and posted it!
The complete package is a 9-page pdf, with nice big photos and instructions in charted and written form. I daresay it looks like a real knitting pattern.
What do you mean, I can’t keep them?
August 8th, 2006 | 4 Comments
Remember these?
I’ve had them for oh, five weeks now, and managed to leaf through all of them several times. I’ve taken notes on stitch patterns I liked, stitch patterns I might be able to modify, and otherwise drowned in happy knitting goodness.
Designing Women
July 2nd, 2006 | 2 Comments
This is what’s on my coffee table at the moment. Guess what I’m up to!
That’s right, I’m going to try to design something. Something lacy, in fact. That involves charting my own lace pattern.