Stripy Throw
May 9th, 2009 | Comments Off

Pattern: Simple Crochet by Erika Knight
Yarn: Cascade 220, #8555 black, #4192 pastel pink, 2 skeins each; #7822 dark chocolate brown, #2413 burgundy, #8834 medium rose, 1 skein each
Hook: J 6.0mm
Exorcising Cursed Yarn
February 8th, 2009 | 1 Comment
Once upon a time I bought 11 skeins of Cascade 220 for two different felted bag projects. Both were intarsia patterns of my own design. One was easy, one was hard.
I knit up the easy intarsia bag. I charted the hard intarsia pattern.
And then I stopped.
Because you know what? I hate felting. And I hate intarsia. And simultaneously inflicting both on myself not just once, but twice? Clearly I’d gone cuckoo in the head.
Afghans for Afghans, Mother’s Day Drive
May 2nd, 2007 | Comments Off

One sweater, for child age 1.
Five hats, for infants 0-18 months.
One pair of mittens, for child age 2-4.