Book Reviews »
Book Review: Tweed
April 7th, 2008 | 1 Comment
Author: Nancy J. Thomas
Publisher: Potter Craft
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Once again, the copy I am reviewing was generously provided by Potter Craft. Tweed is a combination knitting history/pattern book scheduled to be released on Tuesday. If you pre-order it now, Amazon will give you an extra 5% off.
Book Review: The Knitter’s Book of Yarn
November 24th, 2007 | 2 Comments
Author: Clara Parkes
Publisher: Potter Craft
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Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday to my US readers!
Potter Craft was also kind enough to send me a copy of Clara Parkes’s new book, The Knitter’s Book of Yarn. I have a healthy appreciation for all things Clara, having been a member of Knitter’s Review almost since the day I learned to knit. But I think I might have passed this one by if I were just browsing in a bookstore or a local yarn shop.
And that would have been a dreadful, dreadful mistake. I’ve read the entire thing cover to cover and I really think that every serious knitter needs to own a copy of this book.
Book Review: Kaffe Knits Again
November 19th, 2007 | Comments Off
Author: Kaffe Fassett
Publisher: Potter Craft
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For all my book reviews prior to this, I have either bought the books myself or they were given to me as gifts. This review is different, as Potter Craft was kind enough to send me a review copy of Kaffe Knits Again. I don’t think this has biased my view of the book in any way, but I thought I would share this information in the interest of full disclosure.
This book is my introduction to Kaffe Fassett. I had heard of him, read a few interviews, and even glimpsed a few patterns of his here and there, but he was sort a nebulous entity in the back of my head as The Color Guy. And now that this book has introduced me to Kaffe Fassett, I have to say, he’s definitely The Color Guy.