Getting into the Froggy Mood
August 23rd, 2007 | View Comments
F-Day is approaching and like all good Froglympic athletes, I got in a little practice in preparation for the big day.
My two victims:

I knit both these scarves back in 2005, towards the end of my bulky, handspun, hand-dyed, variegated wool phase. The green scarf is knit from Manos del Uruguay in colorway #116. The blue scarf is from Malabrigo bulky wool in a colorway whose name has been lost to the ages.
The green scarf I wore exactly once, because it is 11 feet long, or more than twice as long as I am tall. What possessed me to knit this ridiculous length of skinny scarf, I will never know. I’m guessing a failure to check gauge factored in, as the scarf is knit lengthwise—cast on a billion stitches, knit a few rows, bind off.
The blue scarf I’ve actually worn a few times. But it’s too long and too bulky to really wear comfortably under a jacket. It also tends to fold itself in half, which doesn’t make matters any better. I decided to frog these two scarves long ago, and what better time than now?
Mindful of Katy‘s suggestion to contain the yarn, I recruited an inverted wire shoe rack to wind the yarn on. Let the ripping begin!

It was strangely relaxing. As I ripped, the scarf morphed from an object of dislike into pretty, pretty yarn that I loved. I remembered how the rich blues and greens so attracted me, and why I impulsively grabbed three hanks and took it to the register.
I also discovered that I knit this scarf in two pieces and sewed them together. I can only conclude that I must have been drugged, or in a fugue state, for not measuring the first half and realizing the scarf was going to be eleven feet long.

Well, that wasn’t so bad. If only I had any idea what to do with it now.
CogKnition posted this on August 23rd, 2007 @ 9:46pm in Yarn | Permalink to "Getting into the Froggy Mood"
Well, the first next step is to give the yarn a bath (make sure your skeins are tied in at least 4 places first!), squeeze out excess water by rolling the hanks in towels and stomping on them and then hang to dry!
Then you will have non-crinkly yarn that is ready to go when inspiration strikes.