

August 21st, 2007 | View Comments

I was sadly unable to accept Martha’s invitation to rip with the Monroeville knitters, not least because I spent the evening passed out on my couch with a massive headache. It’s amazing what 12 hours of sleep does for the soul.

However, I have decided that Saturday will be D-Day. Or F-Day, as it were. There will be snipping and ripping and photographing and blogging of the proceedings.

I have to say though, the large number of swift and gleeful responses to the suggestion of ripping out two whole sweaters, along with the popularity of my I Frog blog button, sort of made me wonder if all y’all knit things for the express purpose of ripping them out again. If you do, it’s ok, you can tell me. I won’t judge.

But enough about ripping out and starting over.

Look, something about to be finished!

Six edging repeats left on the Curved Shawl

CogKnition posted this on August 21st, 2007 @ 1:29pm in Unfinished Objects | Permalink to "D-Day"

1 Comment

  1. Alex says:

    Oh. So. Close.

    I’m horrified at the idea of knitting only to rip it out. Unless I could never buy yarn again. But let’s not think about that.