
Big Sack Sweater

January 29th, 2008 | View Comments

Big Sack Sweater

Pattern: Big Sack Sweater, by Jenna Wilson, Stitch ‘n Bitch
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Merino Chunky, #402, 19 skeins
Needles: US 8 and 10.5

So I haven’t been knitting much. But I need to post something with a picture to test the feed readers. And then the godawful bitter cold* gave me a flash of inspiration. So I present to you a blast from the past, the Big Sack Sweater.

This was my very first sweater ever, chosen specifically for the following properties:

And being the dedicated beginner I was, I knit a big gauge swatch for it anyways. I was right on the money. This probably made me overconfident for future sweaters.

I knit this sweater largely while I was scanning research subjects at the fMRI center for my first-year research project. Everything went pretty smoothly up until the neckline. (It’s a big sack. Hard to screw up.) I had no idea how to pick up a certain number of stitches. So I just sort of picked up stitches willy-nilly until I’d gone all the way around the neck opening, and knit the neck. The result was a neckline that was much too big. I finally fixed it this summer, arguably the first step in my great frogging adventure.

This sweater is hella awesome when it’s hella cold.

*Perhaps what I really should say is this:

For those of you who live south of the 40th parallel, or who are blessed with moderate temperatures thanks to the ocean, OMG IT WAS SO COLD I DIDN’T LEAVE MY HOUSE FOR DAYS. I HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN HYPOTHERMIA AND AN ASTRONOMICAL GAS BILL.

For those of you who live north of the 40th parallel, like everyone back home who actually saw below-zero (that’s zero Fahrenheit) temperatures…well, it was a bit nippy, but tolerable. I just put on a sweater.

What can I say, cold tolerance is a badge of honor where I come from.

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CogKnition posted this on January 29th, 2008 @ 4:24pm in Finished Objects, Sweaters | Permalink to "Big Sack Sweater"

1 Comment

  1. Nia says:

    The picture showed up just fine on Google reader.